Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Clients of Taxsol New Zealand Limited are added to our database via application form/engagement letter online or offline or via any other mode of receiving information. TaxSol New Zealand Limited will only use personal data for the purpose(s) that you have authorized.

This information will never be traded, sold or leased to any third party, except the Inland Revenue, Veda Driver’s License, or Passport Verification. These parties will use the information to meet their legal obligations, including credit checks and security and identification purposes, and for marketing goods and services. The information which the organization obtains is subject to confidentiality provisions in the course of any engagement.

You have the right to request that any personal information we hold about you are obtained or corrected where such information is readily accessible and retrievable.

In addition to obligations under the Privacy Act 1993, TaxSol New Zealand Limited will not disclose any information to other parties without your express consent, except as required by law. Exceptions include verifying your identity with Veda NZ or updating your IRD records.