Tax Audit of Property Developer in Auckland

Taxation Audits

Tax Audit of a Property Developer in Auckland

In the bustling heart of Auckland City, a dynamic property management business was thriving. It was the year 2016 when an unexpected arrival disrupted their daily operations – a Tax Review letter from the Inland Revenue Department (IRD).

Successful Outcomes

  • Eliminated all the inconsistency in the tax.
  • Company became Tax Compliant
  • We earned Loyal Customer.
  • Tax Audit
  • 24/11/2016

The Challenge Unveiled:

Upon receiving this letter, the client, a dedicated property developer, faced a formidable challenge. Determined to address the matter swiftly, they reached out to a series of advisors, each with their own specialization. However, they were met with a disheartening pattern – hesitation and reluctance. None were willing to embark on the intricate journey required to navigate the complexities of the situation.

A Beacon of Hope:

In their pursuit of a resolution, the client’s quest led them to Taxsol New Zealand. Hopeful for immediate assistance, they shared their story, seeking clarity and direction.

Unveiling the Obstacles:

Through our meticulous audit process, a startling revelation came to light – there had been no payments for income tax and GST. Additionally, crucial pieces of information had been left unshared with the client’s dedicated tax agent. The road ahead appeared challenging, but we were steadfast in our resolve.

Our journey of transformation commenced as we addressed each management issue with precision and care. The complexities of the tax audit process were navigated with finesse, our actions aligned with the exacting standards of the Inland Revenue Department.

The Grand Triumph:

Ultimately, our unwavering dedication and unparalleled expertise yielded remarkable results. We not only successfully resolved the tax audit but also transformed what initially seemed like an insurmountable challenge into a remarkable opportunity for our client.